Grand Executive Committee

Meet the members of Rhode Island’s Grand Executive Committee

Kristen Lawson

Chairperson of GEC; PGWA

Sandra Bobola

Dean of the Grand Cross of Color; Senior Corresponding Recorder

Debbie Sneath

Senior Financial Recorder

Deborah Hopkins

Senior Treasurer

Deborah Hopkins

Assistant Sr. Treasurer

Donna Fox

Gift Card Program, Restaurant Fundraiser

Katie DiPrete

Ritual Proficiency; PGWA

Amanda Grace

Jurisdictional Marketing Liaison

David Ogilvie

Hannah Lawson


Samantha Riebe

Supreme Special Program

Melissa Edwards

Grand Assembly Chairperson

Deborah Therrien

Supreme Deputy; PGWA

Barbara Parisella

Youth Protection; PGWA

Dawn Mitchell-Winters

Grand Representatives; PGWA

Holly Dunford

Scholarship; PGWA
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